
Sunday, July 29, 2012


Before Nekromantix, Psychobilly was softer and dident have as much punk influence. Nekromantix Paved the way for the newer bands newer psychobilly acts of today. The Nekromantix are the only psychobilly band to ever be noimated for a Grammy award under "Best Metal Group" They have released a lot off great albums and are still going strong. Experienceing this band live is great. Kim is a great bass player and performer playing his bass with his teeth or a beer bottle is a nice touch! Kim Nekroman in his own words....

The Nekromantix have been a band for a long time. How is the psychobilly scene now compared to when the band first started?I see the psychobilly scene is happening in the U.S. now, in the early days it was more in Europe. It was very British inspired but moved south to Germany and spread out in Europe. Musically psychobilly has evolved or developed because it has been going on for about 25 years. If you listen to psychobilly from back then a lot of people say that its rockabilly, its not psychobilly? like a lot of new stuff. Bands do not want to repeat themselves so new inspirations like Metal and Goth has been incorporated in psychobilly in the last 10 years. A lot of people talk about the different waves like first wave, The Meteors and all the old school British bands, and then the early 90s is the 2nd wave like Demented Are Go, Mad Sin, and Nekromantix. Now you see bands like Os Catalepticos from Brazil which is a very metal band. So I don't know how its different. I just know that it is because Ive been there since the beginning. Its kind of like having a kid and watching it grow up. You don't really notice it until one days its grown up.

What do you think of the new psychobilly bands?
I see a lot of them trying to sound like the 80s. Im not a big fan of that because we live now in the present and to me psychobilly is all about the future. One thing I love is originality and having their own personality in the band. I see a lot of bands tying to copy other bands, that's the downside of it.

What are some of the influences in the band?
Everything, everyday life.

The Nekromantix have a lot of great albums
. Do you ever get writers block?No, because every time I make a new album its kind of like okay we have to do it now and then we go to the studio and make some songs. I put myself under pressure and give myself a deadline and that's the way I work best. Its not like one day Im sitting out in the sun holding a guitar and I get inspired . Now I write 13 sounds and then write the lyrics after that. I got to put myself under pressure to squeeze it out.

Recently I heard that the brothers got out. Why was this?
I moved to Los Angeles a few years ago and the original plan was for them to come too and they didn't want to come .

Do you prefer the new line up or the old one?I cant say that one is better than the other because this isn't the first time we have got new members, but what I have noticed is that every time we get new blood the energy of the band kind of changes.

Favorite place to tour?Everywhere is great. I like touring the U.S. because its such a huge county. If you go all the way around by the time you finish its time to start again. Its hard to say. I like a lot of places; Japan is good. Im tired of Europe because that's where Im from. In Europe you have a lot of old guys who have been around forever. Not that they don't have fun anymore but they have seen so many shows that they are not into it. But over hear the kids are super into it.

Does being in the Horror Pops get in the way of the Nekromantix?
Yes and no. It just keeps me very busy because after this tour I will have 2 days off and then go on tour with Horror Pops.

When you were on tour with Horror Pops in Europe, didn't your van almost blow up?
Well, the blow up was over here. That was last year in the Punks vs. Psychos Tour and we had just got hold of a new van and the engine blew up. When we played in London, one of our dancers, Naomi had to emergency land her plan because it caught on fire.

Any pre show rituals that you follow?
Not really.

What's playing in your CD player right now?
Nothing. Because I get to play music and hear bands everyday, the only thing you want to do when you get home is not listen to a band. And then on the road we don't listen to music. I know some bands have music super loud in the van, but that's not us.

Top five Favorite Albums:
Indestructible by Rancid

In Sickness and Health by Demented Are Go
And any album by Johnny Cash

Funniest touring moment:I can not answer that question because what happens on the road stays on the road and it would be to nasty.

Most memorable band moment:
it was a pretty big thing for Epitaph to have us.

Wasnt the band up for a Grammy in 1994?
Yes, we did not win. The funny thing is the category was best heavy metal band. We were there eating free food, it was a lot of fun.
Why was the re-release pushed back?

On the album there is live footage filmed in Atlanta of a disco cover song, Born to be Alive. Were trying to get the permits to release it. It will hopefully be out soon.

Three words that describe the band?
Rock and Roll

Favorite horror movie:
Evil Dead and Nasfuratu

What's coming up for the band in the future?
A new album.

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