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BBM: ok so tell me a little bit about Flogging Molly. How did
yall form when did yall form?
Dennis: In 1997 we were playing in a pub called Molly Malones
and the name came about from that we where playing there every Monday and the
owner said hey Flogging Mollys to death . Flogging mean beating it up till
death. I thought that was a good name for a band and that’s where we all met
BBM: What made yall want to have an Irish themed band?
Dennis: Those are Our singers roots he’s from Ireland and he
writes most of music. I think he wanted to re capture and when he was kid his
parents use to play Irish after go to
pubs I think he just wanted to reconnect with it.
BBM: Where yall ever discouraged playing a niche genre?
BBM: I heard he was in a hair metal band is this true?
Dennis: I don’t know if he was in a hair metal band but he
was in a metal band called
BBM: They did like the Trick or Treat sound track?
Dennis: Yeah yeah yeah
BBM: You want tell me about it?
Dennis: (laughs) No I don’t. I didn’t know him then but im sure you can find it
on the internet.
BBM: Tell me about
the last album how did it do are you happy with it?
Dennis: I’m happy with it it’s doing pretty well its been
out a year now.
BBM Are you doing anything?
Dennis: Where working on a dvd
BBM: Hows that going along?
Dennis: Its done its edited we recorded another song for it and out takes from
tracks. I think it should be out in the spring.
BBM: Tell me about within a mile from home. Why did you
choose the cover art and the name of the album?
Dennis: The name of the album we thought fit because we were
always on tour. We where always almost home and with in a mile of home you
know. It kind of sums up where the band was at that time. The cover art just
thought it fit idk its kind of a theme for the last 2 albums. I never realized
that till some one pointed it out to me. I love it Drunken lullabies is just a
guy walking down an ally.
BBM: Do you ever get writers block and how do you get past
Dennis: No
BBM: Really?
Dennis: Writing a song is one thing but writing a good song that’s
hard to do.
BBM: What’s your favorite song?
Dennis: of all time?
BBM: Of flogging molly
Dennis: Oh flogging molly I like black Friday rules
BBM: Well why?
Dennis: I like the way its sounds I like what’s it about and
there’s a long guitar solos in the middle of it.
BBM: How would you say that sound of the band has changed
over time?
Dennis: I mean it changes the way people change as people.
More and more you see more things you experience things and you change as
people . It seem more rounder its cooler
BBM: How the tour going so far?
Dennis: Good almost every nights been sold out we where in
new Orleans last night for Mardi Gras it was a good show.
BBM: Funniest touring moment?
Dennis: I get asked this but it’s hard to remember we went into a bar me and Nathan
in Austria these guys thought we were skin heads and we were going to break up
the place and mess it up. He didn’t know we were in flogging molly. Then we
told him we were in the bands and then he was really mad he like wanted to
fight. We told him we were in the bands he said no way he flipped out he didn’t
know he was learning one of our songs at that time too and uh it was funny to
see the transformation in his face. It’s not really funny.
BBM: Do you like touring?
Love it
BBM: You’re a different genre of music and you made it big
in America what are some words of wisdom you could give someone wanted to make
it in a band?
Dennis: Play as much as you can and play out live as much as
you can.
BBM: Favorite place to tour?
Dennis: Places ive never been
BBM: What are some places you never been?
Dennis: Australia where going there in may Eastern Europe.
BBM: How would you describe the sound of Flogging molly to
someone who’s never heard yall?
Dennis: We mix Celtic music with rock music and play it
really fast.
BBM: Yall are on a big label what did you do to them notice
Dennis: Our accordion play Matt Hensley was a professional
skater and he knew the guy who owned the label and told him to come check us
BBM: How are they treating yall?
Dennis: Outstanding it’s a great label
BBM: How’s touring America different than other places like Europe?
Dennis: Uh the beers better
BBM: Where?
Dennis: n Europe
BBM: Favorite European beer besides Guinness?
Dennis: Dutch cider is great any beer you get is really good its on tap
BBM: What do you think of Texas Beers?
Dennis: Uh I’ve never had Texas Beers
BBM: You don’t like shiner Bach?
Dennis: I don’t like shiner Bach when you go over there theirs more alcohol in
European beer and they’ve been making it for freakin 900 years you know they
got it down. Well I like draft beer to a lot of beer over there is draft
BBM: What are your current thoughts on the music industry
you know downloading music and all that?
Dennis: I like that you know I think people should be able
to download music. You mean people downloading
it without paying for it? Its up to them what they want to do. I guess I don’t have
an go either way because some bands benefit form that there’s people who never
heard you can download your music and check you out.
BBM: Do yall run your own Facebook?
No everyone seems to be on it
BBM: I love it what are some bands you liked growing up?
Dennis: Dead Kennedys. AC/DC, Rolling stones, beetles
Dennis: I was the last one to doin the band. Dave our singer his friend saw me
playing at a club and said I should audition for the band.
BBM: What bands where you in?
Dennis: Like nothing that you would ever even know
BBM: Any side projects?
Dennis: No
BBM: Any last words anything you want to add to this
Dennis: No (laughs)
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