BBM: So what’s your name
and what’s your title?
My name is Emily Greer and I’m the co-founder and CEO of Kongregate.
BBM: What did you
come up with the name of company?
We wanted it to be really social experience for gamers. American game words about socialness congregating.
A the K made the domain available and made it a little be more game friendly. Yeah
the only thing was it was a little long and kinda hard to spell. I really like
the meaning it has.
BBM: I dig it. So
tell me about growing up with your brother where yall big gamers?
We grew up not to far from here in Austin we spent a lot off
time in the arcades outside the University of Texas. We had a calico vision and
played a lot of games on Apple 2. Load Runner was my favorite and the Ultimate
games where his favorite. His first job in the game industry was working on
Ultimate 7 for origin in Austin.
BBM: Very cool so how
did the company come to be? I love the fact that it was you and your brother.
Yeah so I had never worked in games before this he had been
working on games for origin and then he started he own development company in
Austin. Then he moved up to the bay to work for EA he had the idea for
kongragate and he had only been an engineer and I had more of a business background.
BBM: Perfect
Yes I was advising him on a business plan and thought you
know this is a good idea. A lot of fun
and more fun then what I’m doing right now so I volunteered to be co-founder.
BBM: That’s an amazing
duo reminds me of my sister growing up.
It is pretty amazing that we haven’t managed to kill each
other (laughs)
BBM: Tell us what’s
coming up in the future for Kongregate?
We are working on a lot of upcoming games. Our international
business is big and that’s what where investing in. Mobile is a big part of the
Causal experience which you know we have a lot of deep games. Some 15/30 min
type games and that’s what’s in mobile. We want to figure out how to participate
in that
BBM: All you ever
hear is that’s where the moneys at.
You know where doing pretty good our revenue has grown a lot
since we were bought by Gamestop. Mostly in virtual goods and advertising has
grown as well.
BBM: Did you expect
this level of success when you and your brother where chalking it up on the
board like let’s start a company brother?
I wouldn’t say we expected it. but you know whenever you
start a business most fail. We were ok with that and wanted to take the risk
but if we didn’t have a hope of success we wouldn’t have started it. We wanted to
build something big and meaning full and really try and help game developers
distribute and monetize there games. It’s really hard to make a game and we
wanted to make making money and growing it easier
There’s one but I can’t talk about it. What I spend a lot of
my time on is understanding games particularly the MMO games. We get to compare
the games and analyze them across our audience. Give feedback to developers and
sorta help them and untimely make the experience better for the players. Its
really fund to be able to work with developers. We’ve been working a lot on
making Kongregate more of a social experience and there’s a lot of that now but
definitely more to come.
BBM: Three words that
describe Kongregate.
Fun Social and caring
BBM: I like that,
what are some words of wisdom you would give to someone trying to start their
own company and break out? It’s an amazing
thing you’ve done and your quite successful.
Two things don’t be afraid of failure you have to expect you’re
going to fall a lot and screw up. You’re going to make a lot of mistakes kinda
more then you get it right in order to anything. If you’re not failing you’re
not finding the boundaries and you need to build them to succeed. The worst decision
is the unmade one. Time is the most precious resource especially in a small business.
Think things through be thoughtful and keep going. Don’t worry about things too
BBM: I would say
those are some words of wisdom. What games are you looking forward to this
I just saw Ubisoft demo of Assassins Creed and I’m kinda a history
geek I enjoy that and the revolutionary era.
BBM: Where can fans
get the latest news on Kongregate?
We have a weekly newsletter so if you register and op in
will send you info every week. Come on the site every day to get the latest and
greatest. We get new games and great games almost every day thell be on the
home page ready for you to try.
Well a few coworkers and I just made a fool of our self’s on
the Just Dance Floor. Everybody is telling us that we have some sweet sweet
moves and I know there lying.
BBM: Any last words
anything you want to add on?
Come play on Kongregate
Come play on Kongregate
BBM: www.Kongregate.com
come see what all the fun is about!
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