BBM: What’s your name and what do you do for the band?
my names omega and I am the lead singer for So Unloved.
BBM: How did you come up with the name So Unloved?
Omega: Its actually came from an idea I wanted to have tattooed on
my wrist. I saw a skinhead with it tattooed in old English I saw at Warped tour
on year and I was like that’s amazing I’m going to get that tattooed on my
wrist. My and my bass player where hanging out listening to Billy Idol and
thought it would be a good name for a band.
BBM: What made you want to move to La from san Antonio
Omega: My guitar player move to LA to go to a musician institute. She’s
going for music business and she realized there was a lot of opportunities out
there for us and told us to move the band. It took a lot of heart felt emotions
but it was worth it because nothing is getting done here.
BBM: Do you miss San Antonio?
of course I do I love San Antonio its
amazing I miss the tacos the beer and the people. The food over there is not Mexican
that call it Baja and it bland there’s no flavor no jalapenos no sauce.
BBM:How would you say the sound of the band has changed from
when you first started?
Omega: Where harder now everyone’s calling us more metal I do see
the influence but I think its changed for the better its faster.
BBM:Like you said there’s a lot of metal and hardcore inspirations
in there what made you want to blend this in?
Omega: I grew up listening to a lot of Pantera of girls screaming
bands and was like hey I can do that I can scream just like them . All
different kinds of music we like our bass player loves slayer our guitar player
likes ska. We have all different taste and want that to come across
BBM: Funniest touring moment?
Omega: Falling down a mountain in Denver was crazy I was terrified I’ve always been afraid
of snow having the van and tipping over the mountain. Where skidding down the
mountain and the trailers behind us and
we look over and there’s a van that’s flipped
right when I was like omg I’m terrified I’m like omg I’m going to die there’s
a sign that said lookout mountain ahead and everyone goes LOOK OUT MOUNTAIN.
BBM: How’s it sharing the van with a bunch of guys?
Omega: Its good I thought it was going to be weird and they where going to be a bunch
of perverts but there totally nice guys
and honest I love them I love everyone. The addicts are so cool so nice they invite
us on the bus every night. The way to share the bus with everyone around them.
There like (British Accent) If I touch a button the light turns on omg . There
like let me show you they are amazing and the best people to tour with.
BBM: Three words that describe the band?
Omega: Hard Fast and lovely (laughs)
BBM: What’s coming up for the band in the future?
Omega: We have a new album and dvd coming out on valentine’s day. Our
web designer is the first person who booked us and told SOS about us.
BBM: Favorite place to tour?
BBM: What are some of the positive and negative things about
being a mostly girl band?
Omega: The negative things are people are like take off your shirt
in the crowd you have a nice ass they heckle us once they hear us play they don’t
say anything again. The good things you can get a lot of free stuff from the
bar and a lot of free stuff from guys and guys will smoke you out. It’s pretty
awesome we get whatever we want for free
BBM: What made you wear the Angel wings tonight?
Omega: We’ve never done it before we just wanted to do it in San Antonio back home.
Have a good show and look sexy you know. It went really well I think where
going to use it more often it’s a visual thing it was cool
Omega: Don’t ever think you cant do it and don’t think your songs
are not good enough. As long as you touch one person that’s all that matters.
BBM: Any last words?
Omega: Girls should pick up guitars and pick up fucking instruments play the drums
girls should be rocking out
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