BBM: Who have y’all shared the stage with?
The cramps, social Distortion, No Doubt, The Muffs When they
got signed, rage against the machine when they got signed. Stone Temple pilots
when they got signed. This was on a band called Terror train we never got
signed we played with some big names. The Rocketz are new we’ve played with
demented are go Mad Sin.
Ive toured on warp tour before playing with nofx, real big
fish, yellow card, the attaris
We like that stuff too don’t mistake it just because where a
Psychobilly band
Where Psychobilly esque. You gotta listen to everything our
music crosses all kinds of boundaries you know rockabilly, Psychobilly, punk,
Village people, Barry Manilow, a little disco in there.
BBM: You mentioned you been in Vegas now besides that have
you been to viva las vegas?
our 2nd show ever was there thell never have us back it’s a traditional
rockabilly Hillbilly venue. They didn’t know about the rocketz they booked and
it was our 2nd show at the 7th annual viva last Vegas. Im
very well connected it’s the rockabilly and Psychobilly in southern California.
I think we turned them upside down.
Now they started the Sin City Stomp weekend up the
street the same weekend. It was awesome we headlined the show it was great.
BBM: A lot of rockabilly turn their nose up to Psychobilly and
back and forth. Do you think there the same?
If there is a difference here’s the deal if a band does what
they do as best they can people are going to respect it. If you a Psychobilly band
out there and your just trying to make a lot of noise and slap a bass just
because you just trying to show I can slap this fast. The rockabilly’s will be
turned off to it like wise if you a rockabilly band doing top 40 its by cheesy
to a psycho who likes punk. Certain bands
are respected by everyone the skins, punks, rock,psychobillys or Hair Farmers will
like you. I think where crossing the line one of our members is stickily
rockabilly he plays with the sharp shooters with Wanda Jackson in June. I love
pun k and ska if you’re up there just making a fool of yourself I'm going to
make fun of you. If you up there working your but off I’m going to like it. I’m
not gonna judge
BBM: You guys are in a little van you’re not flying or
anything like that.
But we did stay at a holiday in express last night
BBM: Your pimpin. It must be hectic but your guys not
touring with a female would that be a problem?
It’s not a problem
Be honest dude
It’s a little different but not a problem
Well you can’t just stop anywhere and piss on the side of
the road. We do rest stops new Mexico and Texas has the best rest areas.
California and Texas are kinda the same I can honestly say
Texas is the only other place I can live in. I’m not saying that cause where in
Texas and I have an interview with yall. Out of all the states (names all the
states im 2 lazy to type it) I love Texas its my favorite other the California
You’re always welcome here
Our only regret is that where only doing 3 shows because of
our day jobs. We have a lot of friends in Dallas and Houston.
BBM: What do you do for a living?
I’m a manager for an IT department for county wide I have 2 teams doing remote
support and other IT stuff. I’m an assistant manager at a women’s shoe store
(Drummer) it’s wonderful. I’m a proud union construction worker building America.
I’m going to talk to our merch guy we hired him tonight we made
him two T-shirts.
(singer leaves)
I’m going to tell you the truth we cant take it anymore
we want to go back home. Just playing the Burger at sam’s is the best. There’s
no denying the face that everything is bigger in Texas. What A burger is bigger
than anywhere else in California. I turned them on to it last night we have a
sonic back home are going to eat your tots? Where glad to be in texas can wait
to come back next month
Sorry back on track
BBM: The entire situation is you guys are driving long way
do you ever cant stand being on the road?
I love driving and being the road I was the sun rise in El Paso over the desert
love it. I should have been a truck driver
I slept most of the way on this tour in the back of the van
but previous experiences I may be driving 10-16 hrs at a time which sucks
nothing beats it.
BBM: Ever pulled over?
Yeah the last tour we were so close to new Mexico and he was in front cheating
looking in his rear view to see how fast we caught up to him. He lets us go we
gave him a few shirts and cds he said we were cool and let us go. The funniest
thing is Andrews in the back on a lawn chair and the passenger seat belt don’t work
if we get busted we getting F in the A.
I had my hands on the seat and he was like show me your hands when he
first came up but he was totally cool I appreciate them as much as I hate them
but I understand them being edgy you could have a machete or a Taser or a bat
with nails on the end. Or the little snaps that you get from the ice cream man
you can get someone in the eye really good with them. Its cool driving a long
and shooting fireworks.
The Rocketz: Tell us about you. What’s your day job
(talk business for a while it was boring about us)
BBM: There’s a scene here and its awesome. I like to see the
kids enjoying it. A lot of kids come out here for the ska and not the Psychobilly.
Ill tell you one thing Psychobilly and rockabilly is growing
in a big way. Its replacing a lot of pop
punk emo kind of thing in a huge way. You know I was involved in ap op punk
band touring years ago it was really tough a band called up syndrome and it is
in a big way younger kids are getting into more aggressive music. I was always into
rockabilly and Psychobilly and just to see it growing and growing there’s not a
single day that goes by that I won’t see a greaser or psycho somewhere. Its kind
of snowballing not in that gay spit cum back in your mouth sort of way not that
snow ball.

BBM: Anything you want us to mention in the magazine?
www.rocketz with a z hit
us up email us we want to expose are self as much as possible and make some
friends. Where happy to be on our label rock n roll see you at the show and at
wanda Jackson!
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