
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Artist: Rone

From Skateboards to stencils this artist will blow your mind with his beautiful art. The women featured in his art show so much emotion and grit truly a beautiful combination that tells a dark story. This Australian native is in the states for his latest gallery 'Darkest Before the Dawn' is in San Francisco. With an opening reception September 8 7-11pm at White Walls. Don't miss out on these beautiful new works for more info visit his official site. I had a chance to ask rone a few questions heres the man in his own words.
BBM: How’s life treating you? 
Couldn't be better, i have traveled to other side of the world because people like the way I paint
BBM: What was your first major experience with art and when did you know you wanted to be a artist?
I think when I moved to a big city and fell in love with graffiti

BBM: How did you come up with your artist name?
My artist name is just a nick name i have had long before I painted.
BBM: Tell us about your upcoming exhibition
It's called 'Darkest Before the Dawn' it is based on the idea that our weakness will eventually become our strengths, told through portraits of a young woman.

BBM: Beautiful gallery title. Why did you choose Darkest before the Dawn?'Darkest before the Dawn' just seamed to be a fitting follow up to my last title 'Fall from Grace'

BBM: Three words that describe your art?
Beautiful Decay. Women.

BBM: Where do you find inspiration in life?
Most of it comes from what I see on walls in the streets- torn posters, fading signs etc. 

BBM: What’s currently in heavy rotation in your iPod? 
Dr Piffle and the burlap band 

BBM: Random fact a fan may not know about you?
Can't touch my toes without bending my knees

BBM: What are some words of wisdom you would give a youth wanting to be an artist?
Don't Stop.

BBM: Any last words anything you want to add on?
Thanks for the interview

For more info on Rone:

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