
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Artist: Jessica Swainson

Mijess, a simple creature- draws, paints, illustrates, designs, eats & sleep in Leeds. Past art work work includes small & large scale paintings, murals, album art, t-shirt & logo design. Always open to new prjects, feed me and  I am yours to command.
 –from about me (this intro was so good I felt I could do no better)

BBM: What was your first experience with art and when did you know this was for you?
I always liked drawing and making things, I've always had something on the go in a big or small capacity.

BBM: Give me a little history on your work.
I studied at Leeds Met Uni, I have had a commissions within the music industry including design and live visuals work,  had a couple of exhibitions, and work for Mogzilla publishers.
BBM: Where do you find inspiration in life?
My environment, people I meet, stories, if I do work for an album cover I am often inspired by the music or artists involved.  It varies all the time.

BBM: One art piece that you have created that you associate yourself with most?
Not sure about this one!

BBM: Besides art what are your passions in life?
Probably the same as anyone else, food and wrestling. 

BBM: What is currently in heavy rotation in your Ipod?I just found out the desk in our living room is a record player, It has the Beach Boys 'Love You' LP on it.

BBM: Random fact that a fan may not know about you.
I tap my toothbrush on the sink three times after brushing.

BBM: What are some words of wisdom you would give a youth wanting to pursue a carrier in art?
Always carry a sketch book and camera.

BBM: What’s coming up for you in the future?
I have designed the cover for an EP called 'Bónus-skór', a collaboration by Laura J Martin and Mike Lindsay of Tunng, which will be out this year and looking forward to seeing 'The Ten Rules of Skimming' in print.  I'm thinking about starting another children's book, but for much younger readers.

BBM: What is the book called:
'The Ten Rules of Skimming'.  It's half book, half graphic novel aimed at readers aged 10 +

BBM: How did this come about?
I started out doing some cover artworking for a publisher called Mogzilla for their 'London Deep' graphic novel series.  They had my portfolio and paired me as an illustrator with the top-notch author Zella Compton who had written the book.

BBM: would you say it’s a lot more difficult to work on a book rather than a canvas if so how?
It was a long process because there are so many pictures, and they have to be consistent - this was a new experience for me as I am used to creating stand alone pieces of work.  It was really helpful to have clear but not too limiting direction from the author Zella and Robin of Mogzilla and it was great to take inspiration from Zella's wonderful writing.

BBM: where can people get there hands on it?
It is available from the publisher:,  Amazon, and via all good bookshops in the UK.

BBM: Where can fans get their hands on some of your work. Also find out the latest news?
I have some work on this link:
and you can contact me / get news hot off the press on twitter:  @mijessishungry

Bellow is the first image I saw of her work she is a brilliant artist :]! 

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