
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Artist: Marcos Lafarga

With every letter crafted there is a story being told, and with only 26 of them to augment it takes a deft hand and a designer mind to make them distinct. Born in 1978 in Antioch, California, Marcos LaFarga has been developing his true west design aesthetic right in the epicenter of California creativity. His pedigree is one that runs from the wall and the freight, to a BFA in 2006 from California College of the Arts. It is this diverse background that provides him with the depth to move and merge between otherwise separate visual languages. Marcos focuses his artistry on the intersection of three fundamentals of visual expression, graphic design, typography, and photo realistic renderings, all three which he seamlessly melds to create a united reflection of our contemporary life. With an abundant sense of color value and contrast, a sublime sense of humor, and a sensitivity for the balance our eyes naturally seek; Marcos is creating honest work that effortlessly represents contemporary design and composition. Marcos is always actively seeking that next unique challenge.
-Jeben Berg
from bio
BBM: How’s life treating ya?
It's all BAD!!!! Just kidding :D Life is great. Working hard. Having fun. Living in the moment and continuing to learn life's lessons.

BBM: What was your first major experience with art and how did you know it was for you?
Hmmm... I don't think I can recall.  I know graffiti was the major gateway to art for me though.

BBM: Three words that describe your art?
Clean, Graphic, Dynamic.

BBM: How would you say you style has evolved over time?
My style has become more graphic and more consistent. For me It's the subject matter that will continue to change. The typography and lettering has definitely become more of a focus in my work as well.

BBM: Some of your influences?
Caravaggio, Lichtenstein, Pushpin Studios and stuff from Hatch Show Print is awesome.

BBM: Where do you find inspiration in life?
Hand painted signs, posters, and my friends and family.

BBM: Funniest carrier moment?
Having to draw a blimp, and then having to turn it into the Michelin Man.

BBM: Most memorable moment?
The births of my two children where the greatest and most memorable.

BBM: What are some of the positive and negative things about being an artist?
I think the positive is the art community in general and meeting people. I’ve met some of the most incredible people and great friends through being an artist. The negative can be keeping up the energy to keep going. On occasion time, money and energy can be extremely low and I ask myself why the hell do I keep doing this.  It can be a depressing and emotional thing. Such as life though and in the end I love being a creator.  

BBM: How’s the art scene in your city?
I live in Concord, California. It's a Bay Area suburb, so there is not much of a scene.  It's a quiet town, which allows me to get a lot done. I'm close enough to Oakland and SF that I spend a lot of time in those cities.  Especially Oakland.  I've lived, worked and have gone to school in Oakland and I'm often associated with the Oakland Art scene, which is fine with me.

BBM: A fact a fan may not know about you?
My dad was a pretty well known Mariachi singer.

BBM: Besides art what are your passions?
I love craft beer and would like to home brew some more. I love to snowboard, skateboard and spend time with my family and friends.  

BBM: What’s currently in heavy rotation in your Ipod?
Lately... A lot of Chillwave/Electronic/Glitchy stuff and Old Country/Bluegrass plus some old Blues, Bo Diddley type stuff. Radiohead and classic Hip Hop will always have a presence, plus anything with good beats... You catch all that?

BBM: What are some words of wisdom you would give a youth wanting to be an artist?
Never give up.

BBM: Where can fans get the latest news/ merch?
Always on my site: and will be having some of my stuff.

BBM: What’s coming up for you in the future?
My solo exhibit is currently on display at ZeroFriends in Oakland. I’m in a group show with Daryl Pierce and Jaime Molina at LeQuVive Gallery in Oakland in January.

BBM: Any Last words anything you want to add?
Big thank you to all my fans and continued supporters.  You all are the best!

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