
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Slim Jim Phantom

Slim Jim Phantom has been drumming since 1979 and is one of the fore fathers of modern day Rockabilly. He has played in many bands over the years and is most known for being the drummer of the legendary Stray Cats.  He is working on a new band with Tim Polecat and Johnny Bowler called The Whammy! I can’t wait to hear more on that project as they begin recording and touring in 2013. I recently had the honor to interview Slim Jim Phantom and here’s the man himself…

BBM: How’s life treating ya?
Everything’s pretty cool 

BBM: What was your first major experience with music and how did you know it was for you?
I always knew I wanted to do something in music - saw it as a way to travel, see the world - i tried the drums and was pretty good at it - 

When where you first introduced to Rockabilly?
We found rockabilly by back tracking the current bands and singers we liked - always liked the oldies station - got turned on to some of the original blues guys - eventually found Elvis on the sun label - it was all over after that - Straycats have made it easier for the following Mtv generation to go straight to the source - we really had to dig around - we turned out to be the rock and rollers who did homework for the smart kids

BBM: When can we expect to hear The Whammy?
The whammy plan on recording in the new year - we've written some songs and are eager to put them down

BBM: How would you say your Drumming style has evolved since playing with The Stray Cats?
y style has pretty much stayed gthe same from when i first learned - i hope i've gotten better at it - good or bad, it's my style - i do own it - luckily, i hooked up with the other two and was able to make some memorable recordings just playing how i know how to - 

BBM: What are some words of wisdom you would give a youth wanting to be a drummer?
y advice to young drummers is to play with other people as much as possible - it's very, important to practice and learn rudiments but you gotta play live

BBM: Besides music what are some of your other passions?
urvival is a good passion - i like the kids and dogs and driving around in my vette with my hot rockabilly chick riding shotgun - i'm passionate about having lunch with steve jones, too

BBM: What are your thoughts on Psychobilly?
I feel towards psychobilly like everything else - the best ones rise up and are good

BBM: What’s currently in heavy rotation in your record player?
I listen to the same records as always, new ones are my friends jimmy rip, imelda may and Michael ,m  des Barres have all made new record that i like - the caezars are my favorite new young band - anyone who has i tunes radio should check out venerable radio - plays only 78s - 24/7 and i've never heard the same song twice

BBM: Where can fans find the latest news and What’s coming up for you in the future? The whammy website and Facebook - future is a bunch of gigs between now and march

left to right
slim Jim Phantom, Brian Setzer, Buzz Campbell,  Lee  Rocker

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