
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Artist: Lindsey Kustusch

Lindsey Kustusch is an extremely talented artist based out of San Francisco, CA. Lindsey’s work is stunning the landscapes take your breath away. I was showing some of my co-workers who could not believe the landscapes where painting’s and a friend who’s an artist said “After seeing her work I feel inspired”. She also created such beautiful animals that are a must see if you’re not familiar with her work! It was truly a pleasure to interview one thing out shine’s her art and that is her personality I could not stop laughing. She currently has a gallery in San Francisco running oct 3rd- 28th at STUDIO gallery make sure to show your support if you’re in the area. I had a chance to talk with Lindsey….

BBM: How’s life treating ya?
Outstanding! Last weekend was my opening for my first solo show at STUDIO Gallery in San Francisco, and I honestly couldn't have hoped for a better first week and Sunday reception. I'm feeling very fortunate these days to have so much love and support in my life.

BBM: What was your first major experience with art and how did you know it was for you? 
I was working as a foster care coordinator at the Hawaii Island Humane Society, and my boss at the time commissioned me to paint a 4x6 foot portrait of her and her galloping horse racing along side two more enormous horses leaping towards you off of the canvas. My last painting I had attempted before that was an 8x10 inch study of a wine bottle. So, needless to say, I was in WAY over my head. And although it took me nearly a year, I had pushed myself past where I thought I could go and that's when I first discovered my true passion and what painting and art meant to me.

BBM: Three words that describe your art?Impressionistic, vivid, adventurous
BBM: How would you say you style has evolved over time? My first major artistic influences were modern realists on the very abstract, impressionistic side of things, so my work started out very lose and messier than it is now. Over the years I've concentrated on adjusting my approach with each painting, ensuring that the end result will be structural sound but totally individual based on how far I decide to abstract the image. I like to experiment with application and tools outside of the paintbrush family, which helps to create more of a dream-like memory, impression on things.
BBM: I saw the two main themes of your beautiful art are Animals and Urban Landscapes. What inspired you to choose these themes? 
Living the city life and an undeniable passion for animals. I strive to capture the beauty and energy in everything I paint and these two subjects in particular allow me the most freedom to push myself as a painter and put my own spin on things.
BBM: I saw you had an art gallery opening oct 3 could you give our reader some info about it?Absolutely! It's a solo exhibition at STUDIO Gallery in San Francisco, Ca. Over 45 pieces of new work including a handful of charcoal drawings. The show started October 3rd and will be up until October 28th. You can see all of the images from the show at
BBM: Where do you find inspiration in life?
Everywhere. I'm fortunate to have been living in San Francisco for more than 7 years now, and every day there still seems to be some new discovery or point of view of the city that I had yet to find, and attempt to portray in my artwork. I also surround myself with many phenomenal working artists which is a constant inspiration and motivation to keep evolving. And of course, at home with my cats:)
 beginning stages of the cheetah era (so cute!)
BBM: Funniest carrier moment?
I'd say it's a collaboration of all of the times I've spent hours alone in my studio working for a deadline and then the first moment when I decide to walk out into the world and interact with another human being. It's the simple things like ordering a coffee, that can immediately make you question your self-worth and convince you that there is not a single soul on the planet that has ever sounded like more of complete asshole than you just did.
BBM: Most memorable moment?
In my life? The day my fiance first told me that he loved me.
BBM: A fact a fan may not know about you? 
I was a cheetah from about age 5 to age 9. I ate, drank, walked, and slept as a cat would, and only would respond to “Cheetah”.
BBM: Besides art what are your passions?
Animals. Good lord, I sound like a freak! I worked in animal shelters for years, and was always torn between animal welfare and art. Inevitably, the artist inside will always win, but the animals remain as a constant inspiration.
BBM: What’s currently in heavy rotation in your Ipod?
Oh boy, if I were to be completely honest, I'd say basically anything a 13 year old girl would listen to. To name a few... Brit, X-Tina Aguilera, Shakira, Beyonce, Rihanna, all of the classics, all of the good ones. But without a doubt, my all time faves that play at least once a day will always be... Iron & Wine, HoneyHoney, Fiona Apple, The Be Good Tanyas and Tool.
BBM: What are some words of wisdom you would give a youth wanting to be an artist?The more hours you put into anything, the closer you'll be to reaching your goal.
BBM: Where can fans get the latest news/ merch?Mostly from my website, and Facebook.
What’s coming up for you in the future?I plan to enjoy what's left of the summer and then hopefully explore galleries outside of the San francisco area for future exhibitions!
BBM: Any Last words anything you want to add?Like I said earlier, I feel so fortunate to have so much love and support in my life. Without it, I would never be where I am today.

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