
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


If you are a fan of Psychobilly and have never heard of the Klingonz you may have been living under a rock! They are a legendary band who help make the genre what it is today. Klingonz was the first Psychobilly band I heard and life has never been the same since then. We are in the era of Klingonz-Klownz and it looks like an amazing live show.  I can’t wait to catch them in the U.S.A. in the near future and you should too. One things for sure these are the guys I want to party with!! They are currently celebrating 25 years of success and have many more years to go. Make sure to check them out if you haven't already.  I had a chance to speak with Titch and here’s the man himself… 

For more info on Klingonz-Klowns please see:

BBM: Whats your name and what do you do for the band? 
My name is Titch and I’m the lead singer/screamer 

BBM: How’s life treating ya? 
Pretty good it’s the bands 25th anniversary and we have been doing a lot of shows to celebrate it so we’ve been having a lot of fucked up fun

BBM: What was your first major experience and how did you know Psychobilly Was for you?
The band grew up together in Dublin as teddy boys and we always talked about getting a band together..when psychobilly came along it was a natural progression for us to get into it and we were hooked from the very beginning…we still are

BBM: Who named the band and how did they come up with it? 
Honestly I can’t remember who actually came up with the name as we were all pissed at the time but the name is cross between a fucked up version of star trek clingons and the dry shit that sometimes  hangs from the hair on your arsehole

BBM: In the year 2001 a Worm hole opened causing a rift in time meant the Klingonz could travel back to Earth. I’m glad the band returned did it feel good to reunite and how did it come about?
We were all working on side projects at the time and the band never really split up we just had a break to explore other musical influences that we all personally had…..we will never split up we love it too much

BBM: When did the Klingonz-Klownz Change occur and how did it come about? 
We have been dressing up wearing costumes and going through different phases since the band first started as we like to give a fucked up visual experience as well as fucked up rock ‘n’ roll..we were on the road pissed (as usual)when we started thinking about the klown change we decided to get a bona fide clown to add to the madness and because it’s been such a success we then decided to enlist a dwarf and it’s all working out really well so I reckon the klown phase will be around for a while HONK HONK!!!!!

BBM: Being such a diverse band, who are some of your influences?
Our influences are anything musically from early rock ‘n’ roll and garage to modern punk and oi and of course psychobilly and visually anything that looks remotely bizarre/sick/fucked up/abnormal ha ha

BBM: The Klingonz-klownz looks like a lot of fun to be around, Funniest touring moment?
I couldn’t pick just one moment I would need to write a book of good times..We are all good mates and it’s always  krazy  on the road..Ask anyone whose had the pleasure or pain depending on how they viewed it ha ha

BBM: It’s an honor to be able to interview such an iconic band of Psychobilly. What’s one of your most memorable touring moment? 

See above mate it would be impossible to name just one it’s always fucked up madness but a lotta lotta skit

BBM: Three words that describe the band? 

BBM: How would you say the sound has evolved since forming? 
That’s hard to say, I suppose we’ve got a little bit more heavier in recording due to the digital age and the fact that nothing is recorded in analogue any more,, I’d like to think that we’ve stuck basically to our original sound which I reckon is unique to the klingonz

BBM: Favorite place to tour and why?
I couldn't say as it doesn't  matter  where we play we always have a good time whether playing to thousands or hundreds and to be honest the whole thing always goes by in a haze of booze and illegal substances  yeeeeeeeehaaaaaa

BBM: I heard there may be a trip to the U.S. Next year. Is it just one show in cali or may there be a tour?
It will probably be a one off show but who knows…watch this space

BBM: Current thought on the Psychobilly scene? 
I think it’s looking really healthy at the moment,,it died in the middle of the nineties but now it’s back with a vengeance..there’s a lot of really good up and coming bands which is exactly what the scene needs to keep it alive plus it’s spread worldwide thank fuck

BBM: Whats currently in heavy rotation in your IPod?
Phenomenots..Dwarves..Sir psyko..Nic curran..Motorhead..Jello Biafra..Blood sucking zombies..

BBM: A fact a fan may not know about you? 
I break into peoples house when I’m not on the road (I’m a professional locksmith)

BBM: Any special plans for Halloween? 
For me Halloween is every day..i don’t need an excuse to dress up and act the comes easy

BBM: What are some words of wisdom you would give a youth wanting to be in a Psychobilly band? 
One fuckin’ life fuckin’ live it..your a long time dead so enjoy it and don’t take it all too can’t make a living from psychobilly  but it’s the best craic in the world so fuck the money

BBM: Whats coming up for the band in the future?
We are currently working on a new ep   25TH ANNIVERSARY  HONK  EP which we hope to release early in the new year then hopefully a new album  KLOWNZ ‘R’ US  later in the year

BBM: Any Last words anything you want to add?
CHEERS ‘N’ MANY MANY BEERS………………HONK HONK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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