
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Artist: Leontine Greenberg

Leontine Greenberg is an artist, puppet-maker and prop designer from queens, New York.  The animals she creates have so much character I found myself daydreaming back-story on them! My favorite of her work is the male version of the black bird (pictured below). Prints of the blackbirds can be found on her Etsy. We also have a sneak peak of the upcoming Natural History exhibition at Gallery 1988 on December 1st.  Make sure to go! I recently had the opportunity to speak with Leontine and here’s what she had to say…

For More info on her upcoming gallery please see:

BBM: How’s life treating ya?
Pretty great, thanks! I've got a new show opening December 1st at Gallery 1988, new prints in my etsy shop, and some exciting projects to look forward to in the new year.

BBM: What would you say was your first major experience with art and how did you know it was for you?
My parents are both extremely creative people, and took me to museums and galleries starting at birth. They're also scientists, so science and art were my formative influences. I think you see that a lot in my work, actually.

BBM: Give our readers a little history about yourself.
I was born in Tucson, and had the remarkable opportunity to travel all over Europe and the Middle East as a child and young adult. I went to art school in the Midwest, and settled in New York City as soon as I could. I've worked in television, theater, and as a personal assistant to the super-rich. Now that I have a child, a husband and two cats, I get to spend all my time painting, and hanging out with them. It's spectacular.

BBM: What are some current projects you're working on?
I just finished 11 new pieces for Natural History, my two-person show with Nicole Gustafsson at Gallery 1988. For the next year, I'll be working on a solo show at AFA Gallery in New York City. 

BBM: Influences?
Beatrix Potter, Walt Disney, William Morris, Lee Bontecou. Cities, gardens, Charles Dickens, the apocalypse.

BBM: Three words that describe your art?
Tiny, detailed, time-consuming

BBM: What are your tools off the trade?
Winsor and Newton watercolor and gouache. Royal Langnickel MIni-Majestic brushes. Canson Watercolor paper.

BBM: How would you say your art style has evolved since starting?
The compositions have gotten more complicated, colors have gotten brighter, and I've invented more characters. My draftsmanship has improved, but also gotten much tighter, which is not always an improvement, but probably inevitable with this amount of practice.

BBM: Where do you find Inspiration in life?
It's wonderfully unpredictable, but certainly wherever nature meets the city. Often in books. Sometimes in news articles as well.

BBM: How’s the art scene in your city?
It's New York City. We are the Establishment. That said, there is also a thriving lowbrow scene, and amazing illustrators and comics artists everywhere you look!

BBM: Funniest/ Most Memorable career moment?
Everything's gone very smoothly so far, and all the people I've worked with have been professional and lovely. Now that I've said that, I'm sure I've jinxed myself, and will have some kind of hilarious screwup to tell you about soon.

BBM: What's a long term career goal for you?
I'd like to publish a book - either a comic or an illustrated children's book. Stay tuned!

BBM: A fact a fan may not know about you?
I have neither my appendix nor my wisdom teeth. But I do have my tonsils.

Print Available on Etsy
BBM: Besides art what are some of your passions?
Politics, food, teaching children with disabilities.

BBM: What is currently in heavy rotation in your Ipod?
Aside from the usual hipster suspects? David Wax Museum, Jamie T, The TIger Lillies, Rasputina.

BBM: What are some words of wisdom you would give a youth wanting to be an artist?
Focus on technique. Ignore any advice that discourages you. Whatever it is you have to say, say it well, and you will find your audience.
Print Available on Etsy

BBM: Where can fans find the latest news about you and get prints?
Prints are available in my etsy shop ( To find out what I'm up to, you can follow me on facebook (, twitter (@leontinemay) or tumblr ( 

BBM: Any last words anything you want to add?
Don't forget to check out Natural History at Gallery 1988 ( It's 
going to be a great show! 

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