
Monday, November 5, 2012

Review: The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses

Eimear Noone was right when she said 
Theirs a little Zelda in the water in Texas!

Looking back, my first memory is about Zelda. I would scream and beg my dad to let me play the first Zelda as I watched him play. He hands me the controller and I’m emerged in the world of Zelda. I’d soon realize that my father gave me a controller that was unplugged and let me think I was playing while he played! I don’t remember much after that, but my love for The Legend of Zelda started from that day on. I have gone through many phases in life, but few things have remained with me the entire time. Zelda is one of those things…

For More info or tour dates see 

Saturday Nov, 3rd I had the opportunity to see The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses in San Antonio, TX.   Before I go into the show I want to touch a little on the crowd and the fans I saw. It’s a beautiful thing when you see generations of gamers in the same family enjoying one event. Honestly how rare is that? At this event I saw a grown Link (The best of the event) with his mother and she even had a Triforce necklace on! Parent’s driving their children from Mexico to enjoy the event.  Even the cutest child Link with his mom Zelda so cute! It’s amazing, heartwarming, and reminds me how far gaming has come.

The Austin Symphony performed The Legend of Zelda music flawlessly. Behind the chorus on stage is a huge screen that plays scenes from The Legend of Zelda Games. A Prelude and four movements Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and A Link to the Past are make up the show.  Eimear Noone is in top form. Whenever I see her conduct she looks so graceful and fluid it’s beautiful! The show was so nostalgic for me and so many other gamers in attendance. We all laughed happily seeing family scenes on the screen and reliving times long since passed. The crowd was a lot more alive compared to the Austin Date and it made the show feel so much more personal. Eimear and Juston Moore looked right at home sharing stories about their love for Zelda. A few encores where performed, but I won’t go any further in to detail, I have to leave some of the adventure for  you. I definitely think this should be a new yearly tradition! I know it’s a lot to ask but a nerd can dream can’t he? I only wish my daughter was old enough to enjoy the magic with me. If you get the opportunity to see this magnificent performance don’t even think twice!

Eimear Noone is the conductor of this event. I honestly feel Mrs. Noone is one of the best conductors in the world. I feel she hasn’t even done her  best work yet.  One of the most kick ass parts of the Symphony was here showing off her Wind Waker Baton. She briefly talked about the wind waker being what started it all for her. The show was phenomenal and even better the 2nd time. If given another opportunity to see this even I would in a heartbeat! I usually don’t like to grade shows, but it’s not hard for this one

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