
Friday, November 16, 2012

Performer: Shakes

Shakes is a sideshow performer from Ireland. Some of his tricks of the trade include sword swallowing, Juggling, unicycleing, and much more. You may also remember him from our Halloween feature of the Klingonz Klownz. He is the official Klingonz Klown and all around great performer  Also keep your eyes open for more info on them coming to the US next year! I had a chance to talk to shakes and here’s the man himself…

BBM: How’s life treating ya?
ya man been pretty busy the last while but all in all things been good can’t complain 

BBM: What’s your job title?
Klingonz Klown

BBM: What was your first major experience with performing and how did you know it was for you?
Well first real experience was seen lucky diamond rich doing show at convention in England and wanting to know and learn some tricks especially the unicycling. lucky enough got talking to him and he has helped a lot out since teaching me and guiding me in right direction. 

BBM: Tell us a little about your background?
well spend first part of my life growing up and acting the bollox in Germany before family moved back to Ireland where continued to act the bollox and hanging out in punk scene 

BBM: How did you end up in the Klingonz Klownz?
it came about as know mocker and we drank in same the foggy dew our local watering hole. he said to me he had an offer as klingonz had talked about idea of getting a klown and mocker said he knew one , so that how basically came about 

BBM: What are some tricks you perform? I’ve seen a few but give us a run down?
I do some unicycle trick, juggling ones, juggle on normal and giraffe unicycle, stilt walk, make balloon animals, sword swallow ,fit me body through a tennis racket, bed nails, put face in glass and have someone stand on me, fire breathing and fire eating 

BBM: What is the most complex trick you perform?
well one I like a lot is the sword swallowing as it took me quite awhile to learn and almost gave up on it 

BBM: What was the first trick you ever performed?
I think first trick performed was either something to do with juggling or unicycle 

BBM: Ever had any technical difficulties? If so tell us a little about it?
ah don’t really think so, well sometimes can find it hard pushed for space with all us on stage

BBM: When performing a new trick the first time what are some steps you take before performing it?
Well just try relax meself and run through things need to do

BBM: Have you ever created your own stunt?
na sadly not yet hopefully one day 

BBM: Three words that describe you?
a bleeden messer 
BBM: Funniest touring moment?
There too many of them and i am sure there a load i cant remember either 

BBM: A fact a fan may not know about you?
well when was younger was big into doing judo and managed to get to double brown belt which was highest couold go when under 16, but sadly the began to get piercings 

BBM: What are some words of wisdom you would give a youth wanting to be a performer?
enjoy yourself and live life to the fullest 

BBM: What is currently in heavy rotation in your Ipod?
graveyard johhnnys, hank3, coldwar, demented are go 

BBM: Any Last words anything you want to add?
Hope see you all on the road soon for beers HONK HONK

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