
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Banane Metalic Interview

BBM: So how’s life been treating you?
Ced: To be honest 2012 was one the worst period of my life. In some words , we had a two years break with the band .During this period I worked on a musical side project “HASTA LA MUERTE”  But after a troma, my health was really bad, I had no other choice to stop all my activities. Now I’m coming back with BANANE METALIK…stronger than ever ! Music is my life, it’s my passion since I was a teenager.
BBM: Tell me about Hasta La Muerte?
Ced: It’a long time project, I was thinking about it 3 years ago. I met a musician “El bastardo” and we decided to work on this project together. My brother and other Banane Metalik members helped us to strengthen the result.
We’re coming  to spice up the musical landscape with a good dose of insanity and authenticity. Killing riffs, striking texts, voodoo rituals, cult of the dead, fiestas, sexy santa muerte, loco luchadores...  Hasta la muerte baby!!!

BBM: How did you come up with the name?
Ced: It’s weird… at the beginning it was a means to say that some people make the choice to have a rock’n’roll way of live till death. Two months after, I went to hospital just after a vocal recording session for this project.
Above all It’s a side project  to express my love for exploitation movies, undead world, cultura Mexicana de los muertos.
To be honest,  I’m tired with the fact that the dia de los muertos has become so fuckin’cool, as a fashion, a proof that you’re so rock’n’roll..
The fist time I wrote and released the song “Santa Muerta” for BANANE METALIK ( in 2003 ), my friends didn’t understand  my love for this universe . Ten years after, they wear mexican  tshirts, the girls did santa muerte make-up, the boys have luchadores tattoos… However a lot of people really likes this universe, so I started with this name and I will keep it.

Matisyahu interview

BBM: How’s life treating you?
Matisyahu: Uhh its okay, life is good.

BBM: What was your first major experience with music and how did you know it was for you?
Matisyahu: It’s hard to pinpoint it to one experience; as far back as I can remember music has been a big part of my life. When I was 16 I went to a FISH concert and dropped LSD for the first time. That was the moment I knew music was the core of my being.

BBM: Very cool, I remember reading about that. Then you started following them on tour. Let’s talk about your acoustic EP, what made you want to release it?
Matisyahu: Well I’ve done a lot of acoustic shows over the years and were also doing an acoustic tour. I really enjoy them. It’s a little more involved and passionate then some of the past few tours I’ve done. We enjoy them and it gives me a chance to play for the people on a personal level. The show consists of a cello and two guitars and I’ve recorded these live over the past six months.

BBM: There are a lot of great things you’re doing. Part of the proceeds of the Happy Hanukah cover song is being donated to the Hurricane Relief Fund.  Where can fans purchase this song?
Matisyahu: Online at as well as ITunes and Facebook.

BBM: Three words that describe your music?
Matisyahu: What about 3 syllables? I mean 4.

BBM: Sounds good

Matisyahu: Undescribable

To read the full interview click here


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Artist Interview: KR. One


BBM: How’s life treating ya?
I can't complain, really. Besides some aches and pains, I'm good.

BBM: What was your first major experience with art and how did you know it was for you?
I would consider my childhood. Drawing and painting for as long as I can remember and hearing other children and teachers calling me and referring to me as an artist. When I was a kid I always thought of people like Salvador Dali as an artist. Y'know, like a really eccentric looking individual with a cap and moustache. So, my reaction was like, hmmn, interesting. People think I'm like that guy. Lol
The responses and reactions to what I was doing stayed with me and the joy I felt in the creative processes of art and music. It was a no brainer, really. I was for it and it for me.
I loved art so much that I still do it with the same eagerness I had as a child, if not more so.

BBM: Give our readers a little history about yourself:
I am a native New Yorker born in Harlem, raised in Astoria, Queens.
I come from a huge Italian family of 12 siblings. I started writing graffiti at the age of 11 in 1977 and was part of the NYC Subway graffiti movement till 1983 when I became serious about music.
Having since made music with  and travelled the world with legendary NYC  bands like Murphy's Law, Lords Of Brooklyn and various Heavy Metal projects all the while doing "legal" graffiti art including a bunch of successful group and solo art shows.

Read our full interview with KR. ONE AKA Louie Gasparro click the link below:

Model Interview: Buellher Suicide

Buellher Suicide

BBM: How’s life treating ya? 
BS: Great! Life and I have an agreement to be kind to each other.

BBM: What was your first major experience with modeling and how did you know it was for you?
BS: I was in a book and exhibit. It wasn't the first major gig but it was the first tangible gig. Made it feel very real. I felt very vulnerable and proud. Attending the exhibit was interesting because I could observe everyone's reactions. Modeling isn't a career for me. Its another creative outlet.

BBM: Give our readers a little history about yourself: 
BS: Grew up with bikers and babes in the bay area. Not much has changed. 

BBM: Besides modeling what are some of your passions? 
BS: I love to paint, draw and take photos... I am a hairstylist. So that is definitely one passion. I also love to teach. I am constantly learning and teaching.

BBM: Any upcoming or recently completed shoots you’re excited about?
BS: An artist collaborative book. Babes and Monsters something along those lines
To read our full interview with the beautiful Buellher Suicide please click the link below:

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Artist Interview with Clogtwo

BBM: How’s life treating ya? 
Pretty much tough. Taking quite a beating from projects and commissioned works but an occupied life is better than none.

BBM: What was your first major experience with art and how did you know it was for you? 
When I was invited to exhibit my works at The Singapore Arts Museum.

BBM: Give our readers a little history about yourself:
I love doodling and sketching since I was young, drawing all sorts of cartoons that I saw or imagined. Soon after, I began to pick up the spray can in 2004, started off as an illegal graffiti writer for a year before I began to surface from the underground, joining graffiti competitions and from then on it became a passion and started to pursue in the art and design in school of Interactive Media Design in Temasek Polytechnic. I’ve been practicing arts for 10 years now, and now it’s more of an obsession rather than a passion. Opened up my mind, learning different mediums of art forms like traditional batik painting, art installations and new media technology. I don’t want to be labeled, but being able to explore different mediums and infuse them into a new level art piece.

BBM: You have a diverse portfolio, what would you say is your passion? 
I would say, I am more inclined in graffiti, as it’s a free form, energetic platform, where you are able to move freely and let your body just stretch as far as it can. With graffiti being the art of rebellion, it’s an art form with the idea of freedom of speech and free art for the public. The origin of graffiti is always contemporary, you may never know how long it will stay, maybe it will disappear or get dissed the next day. It’s like life, you have to let go of the past and move on.
To read the full interview click the link below!

Voodou Suicide

Voodou Suicide

BBM: How’s life treating ya?
Life has been pretty amazing the past few months. I just got back from living in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia for two months. It was exhilarating, fulfilling, life-changing, bliss. I spent 6 weeks of that time in Yoga school, completing my 500hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Upgrade. I can not begin to describe the amazing journey I had, externally and internally. From temple hopping, meditating in sacred temples, being loved and then subsequently bitten by a monkey, engorging myself on delicious food, playing in the sea, scooter rides through midnight jungle tunnels surrounded by giant bats, dancing to late night drums and laughing, always laughing. I feel that I have lived a whole lifetime in two months, and even though I am heartbroken to be back from the land of incense and smiles, the only feeling I have to convey are love, gratitude and thankfulness.
BBM: What was your first major experience with modeling and how did you know it was for you?
One of my best friends was an SG, when I met her I was very taken with how open she was about it, how confident she seemed and the virtues of SG that she extolled. I decided to give it a go. I got such good feedback, and so many wonderful compliments, it was a huge self esteem boost. I felt good about myself for the first time in very many years. After that first shoot, I haven’t looked back since. It has been a hell of a journey and I have definitely grown with it. I am very thankful for that first encounter, as I would not be where I am today, or have had the incredible experiences and meetings with wonderful folks from all around the world, if it were not for SG.

BBM: What are some of the positive and negative things about being a model?
Positives, self esteem boost, meeting interesting new people, booking fun shoots, visiting scenic new places, being able to go to events country wide. Being an SG has really been fun, I came for the boobs, stayed for the people. The community is a wonderful thing on the site. 

Negatives, unfortunately there are a few. Usually girls have to keep their SG life and personal life quite separated. There is still a very big taboo attached to the idea of a woman expressing herself in that way. Families, friends and coworkers can all have negative opinions on this. Another sad reason that public and private lives have to be 
kept so separate are stalkers and creepy individuals. I thankfully have not had a particularly bad experience, but I know of quite a few girls who have horror stories. Not a fun place to be, so sometimes having to juggle two separate lives, and deciding who gets to know about both of them, can be quite a task.

To read the full interiew please click the link below

Interview with Heidi Van Horne

Heidi Van Horne

BBM: You are a women of many talents, what would you say is your  passion?
Thank God I don’t have to choose just one.  Film making, Photography (in front of and behind the lens), Music, Writing…  I guess, ultimately, in all avenues of my life, I am a storyteller.  I am passionate about telling a good story.
BBM: Influences?
Parker Posey, Bunny Yeager, Exene Cervenka, Katherine Hepburn, Wonder Woman, Bettie Page, Jaclyn Smith, Joan Jett …  pretty much any badass, quirky, talented, strong females.  Bonus points for brunettes.

BBM: Most memorable moment of your career?
Just one?  Hmmm…   Having celebrities as fans is always a surprise and pretty cool.  James Woods quoting things I had said in a random online pinup interview blew me away when I worked with him.  He had done his homework, I was quite impressed.

To read the full interview please click the link below!